*Free Survey and consultation fees
Capacitor Bank is an important component in the electrical system. In addition to efficiency, the bank's capacitor panels also function to eliminate and prevent the appearance of KVARH penalty in the PLN electricity bill system.
According to the PLN Electricity Tariff, customers from Industry (I2 and I3) and Business Class (B3 above 200KVA) will be subject to a KVARH fine if the average power factor in 1 month is less than 0.85.
Most of the customers just realized the importance of bank capacitor panels when they found that electricity bills rose dramatically and a number appeared in the KVARH Cost column. The KVARH costs that arise are often several times the KWH costs, whereas with routine maintenance the KVARH fines can be prevented at a much lower cost than the fines themselves.
The Capacitor Bank Maintenance Panel that we do includes:
a. Checking the performance or capacity of each capacitor bank step
b. Checking panel functions (Auto / Manual)
c. Capacitor Bank Panel Cleaning
d. Maintenance training to engineers or related departments
e. Advice and suggestions for improvements to improve Panel performance
For more information, please contact our expert.
Irwansah, ST
Phone / WA: 0812 8753 9969
PT Integra Automa Solusi, Pekalongan Branch
Mlaten 2, Karang sari, Karanganyar, Kajen, Kabupaten Pekalongan
Free Survey and consultation fees
Maintenance Panel capacitor bank SEMARANG central java tegal capacitor KVARH penalty harmonic absolute